Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Soar with the Eagles

"And Saul's son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God."  1 Samuel 23:16

At the right times in my life, different individuals have told me how important it is to surround myself with good people.   It started with my parents who impressed upon me the importance of having friends that would steer me toward good behaviors, challenge me to excel at school and would like me for who I was.  In my 20s, a few well placed people in my life gave me good advice about mentors and those that could help my career.  In early motherhood, being with other good moms made me want to do better.  Along the way, it became a conscious decision to keep negativity at bay by disassociating myself from people who never had a kind word or a positive thought.

No where along the line though, do I remember anyone encouraging me to surround myself with people of faith in order to strengthen my own.  Now that isn't to say that no one ever did.  I probably just didn't listen.  The same rule applies.  It just make sense.  "Play up" is a term I use with the girls when they want to get better at something.  Play with someone who knows more or can do more than you can and you'll strive to get better. 

What I won't do though is be around people whose faith has made them close minded or judgmental of others.  The stereotype of the ones we see on the cable news networks are the extreme example.  What I'd rather do is be around people who understand God's love for all and who, by their example, encourage others to faith based lives.  I'm lucky to have several of those people in my life right now.  It's easy to see how I will need to strive to "play up" with these folks.  I've seen what faith has done for them in their life.

Hmm, that's got me thinking too that maybe I need a life mentor.  You know, someone who is living their best life and could get me to "play up" (there's that term again) in my own life.

Can you advertise for that on Craig's list?

Have a happy Best Life day!

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