Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Let Faith Blossom

Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear."  Psalm 10:17

It's been several days since I posted a blog and that's mostly because life has gone quickly this past week.  My daughter played her final basketball game with her middle school friends at a tournament this past weekend.  As a few moms placed a rose on each 8th grader's chair, I was struck by the love we have for all of these girls and how much they really do care about one another.  I have sat next to one mom for three years and we've watched these girls grow into the women they are becoming and I couldn't be prouder.

God has surely heard the prayers of this humble heart and the days are nearly here for us to hear His word and try to understand His will for our family and our daughter's high school future.  While we have been praying that He will bless us with the choice we want, we also know that we will accept whatever happens and guide our lives accordingly. 

I didn't realize until this morning how much I have been figuratively "holding my breath" and that the day is upon us.  I lament that a high school decision should hold this much power over us or anyone in the country and I have been wondering what I might do to support the idea that everyone should get an equal (and excellent) education as was originally intended by our leaders so many years ago.  I guess I must first seek to understand what was originally intended before I could do anything about it but I do know that I can vote my conscience now.

Funny how no one else in the house seems to be anticipating this as much as I am.  Maybe I should take a lesson from them.  I might just sleep a bit better at night this week than I have.

Have a beautiful Best Life day!

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