Thursday, January 20, 2011

Eyes Of Faith

"Then the Lord took Abram outside and said to him, "Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can.  That's how many descendants you will have!"  Genesis 15:5

Talk about big dreams!  For a man who thought he was too old to have children, it must have been incredibly difficult to believe that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars.  He had faith and let God dream the big dreams for him. 

"Change what you are seeing, and you will change what you're producing," says the author of today's devotion.  My perception about my life changes from day to day and it does affect how I view my life at any one given moment.  When the laundry is piling up and the girls aren't getting along and my husband's been away doing what he does, sometimes it's hard to see just how blessed I am.  When life is sunny, it's so much easier to count the blessings.  Those with strong faith are such role models for me because I can see it in them when times are toughest and it just shines through. 

I had the pleasure of teaching some 7th grade girls for a week at the beginning of the quarter in their elective, "How to be a Godly woman".  They called it "manners class".  I thought of it more as a chance for them to see just how wonderful God had made them and because of that, understand that they needed to set the bar high for how people treat them especially young men.  It was a pleasure to spend that week with them and today I've been invited to attend their final field trip, a high tea.  It's easy to see just how many stars in the sky await these young women.  Getting them to see it is a little bit tougher.  Hopefully, I said something that week that they can keep in their hearts.  It reminds me of a plaque someone gave me that we have hanging in our home.

A hundred years from now no one will remember
How much money I had in the bank
what kind of car I drove
or what kind of job I had.
But I will be remembered
as someone special
because I made a difference
in the life of a child.

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