Thursday, May 5, 2011

God Will Open Doors

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose."  Romans 8:28

Hmm, preferential treatment.  This seems like dangerous territory.  The idea that we should expect God's favor is a bit unsettling.  I know I don't deserve it and yet so many times, I have seen it in my life.  Why would I be blessed any more or any less than anyone else?

The author goes on though to say that  we can expect preferential treatment not because of who we are but because of whose we are.  This totally changes the perspective.  It isn't because we are better (or not) than anyone else or that we deserve it.  It is because God's blessings spill over onto us if we are "favor-minded".  Sometimes, I believe that we see our blessings more simply by paying more attention to them.  If we live our life as one of gratitude suddenly we have so much more to be thankful for each day!

I am reminded that today is the National Day of Prayer. This prayer is for our nation but my prayer for today is that we all become more "favor-minded" and see the blessings in our lives so that our hearts might be hearts of gratitude and not despair.

Almighty God, you are our Mighty Fortress, our refuge and the God in whom we place our trust.  As our nation faces great distress and uncertainty, we ask your Holy Spirit to fall afresh upon your people — convict us of sin and inflame within us a passion to pray for our land and its people.  
Grant the leaders of our country an awareness of their desperate need of wisdom and salvation in You until sin becomes a reproach to all and righteousness exalts this nation.
Protect and defend us against our enemies and may the cause of Christ always prevail in our schools, courts, homes, and churches.  Lord God, send a spirit of revival and may it begin in our own hearts.
Remember America, we pray.  Remember the foundations on which this country was built.  Remember the prayers of our nation’s fathers and mothers, and do not forget us in our time of need.
In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
by Joni Eareckson Tada, Honorary Chairman

Have a prayerful, Best Life Day!

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